So I’ve got a sweet new job working for Beachbody. We make awesome products like P90X and Brazil Butt Lift. We also make mobile apps. They hired me to essentially port their P90X iOS app to Android.
I’m in the planning stages right now and one of the challenges I’m facing is how to map the existing iOS asset classes to their appropriate Android asset classes. For iOS, it’s still pretty easy, you just have at most three classes of assets to worry about:
- Small = 480 x 320 (163 dpi)
- Large = 960 x 640 (326 dpi)
- Tall = 1136 x 640 (326 dpi)
For Android, you have the following screen sizes classes:
- Small = at least 426dp x 320dp
- Medium = at least 470dp x 320dp
- Large = at least 640dp x 480dp
- xLarge = at least 960dp x 720dp
Then, you also have different density classes:
- ldpi = low density (~120dpi)
- mdpi = medium (baseline) density (~160dpi)
- hdpi = high density (~240dpi)
- xhdpi = extra high density (~320dpi)
- Small iOS images should work for ldpi and mdpi Android devices.
- Large iOS images should work for hdpi and xhdpi Android devices.
Unless I hear about a better solution, this will the strategy I’m taking. Please comment on this post if you have any feedback or input! Cheers!